JJO AI - is an industry-specific index that includes the top cryptocurrencies from projects developing artificial intelligence technologies.
Asset allocation - assets are distributed based on the square root of market capitalization, which allows for a fairer distribution from the first to the last asset, diversifying risks and improving index performance. You can find more detailed information about this type of asset allocation in the article "Equal weight, market capitalization, or its square root: what does it mean?".
The number of coins in the index is 10.
The minimum weight of one coin is limited to 3% to ensure that assets with a share of less than 3% in the portfolio are aligned with this minimum threshold. This setting guarantees the execution of rebalancing even during market downturns.
Rebalancing Type - in this index, "periodic" rebalancing is applied. You can read more about this type of rebalancing in the article "Rebalancing: what it means".
The index rebalancing period is set to 30 days. This setting helps reduce the impact of volatility on cryptocurrencies with smaller market capitalization.
The minimum investment amount for the JJO Ai index is dynamic and changes depending on the market situation and the minimum purchase limits for cryptocurrencies on the exchange chosen by the user for connection.
Exchange availability: This index is available on all exchanges that can be connected to JJO, with the exception of Digifnex, HitBtc, and Kraken, as these exchanges lack the coins that are part of the index.
Important: It's important to note that this index is subject to high volatility due to the small market capitalization of most of the projects included.
The index does not include stablecoins and wrapped assets.
Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies whose value is pegged to a certain fiat currency (e.g. US dollar or euro) or physical asset (such as gold).
Wrapped tokens, or wrapped coins are copies of a cryptocurrency that exist on a different blockchain but are pegged to the value of the original token. They are called "wrapped" because the original asset is placed in a "wrapper," a kind of digital storage that allows a copy of the token to be created on a different blockchain.