1. Log in to your account on the Bitget exchange website.
2. Hover your cursor over the profile button in the form of a human icon in the upper right corner. Then select the “API Keys” option and in the window that opens, accept the user agreement, for access to use the API.
3. Сlick on “Create API Key” and select the “System Generated” key type. In the window that opens, you need to grant permissions for certain actions.
Permission settings - select “Read and Write”. Next, check the necessary permissions:
Leave the other items unchecked.
In the last item it is necessary to specify IP addresses, you can copy them in your account.
After clicking Next, you will see “API Key” and “Secret Key”. Use them in step 2.
Important: You will not be able to see your Secret Key again if you exit this page or refresh it. Please copy and save it in a secure place.
Copy the "API Key" and "Secret Key" from the exchange and paste them into the corresponding fields in your J'JO account.
After copying the keys to the correct fields, click the "Connect to the exchange" button.
Congratulations! You have successfully connected your API keys to J'JO. Now you can invest in J'JO system indexes or create your own cryptocurrency index or portfolio.
1. Log in to your account on the Bitget exchange website.
2. Hover your cursor over the profile button in the form of a human icon in the upper right corner. Then select the “API Keys” option and in the window that opens, accept the user agreement, for access to use the API.
3. Сlick on “Create API Key” and select the “System Generated” key type. In the window that opens, you need to grant permissions for certain actions.
Permission settings - select “Read and Write”. Next, check the necessary permissions:
Leave the other items unchecked.
In the last item it is necessary to specify IP addresses, you can copy them in your account.
After clicking Next, you will see “API Key” and “Secret Key”. Use them in step 2.
Important: You will not be able to see your Secret Key again if you exit this page or refresh it. Please copy and save it in a secure place.
Copy the "API Key" and "Secret Key" from the exchange and paste them into the corresponding fields in your J'JO account.
After copying the keys to the correct fields, click the "Connect to the exchange" button.
Congratulations! You have successfully connected your API keys to J'JO. Now you can invest in J'JO system indexes or create your own cryptocurrency index or portfolio.