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What is the minimum amount for replenishing invested portfolios/indexes?

What is the minimum amount for replenishing invested portfolios/indexes?

If you have already invested in the JJO35 Index, it can be topped up with an amount not less than the minimum investment amount. This amount is dynamic and varies depending on the market situation and the minimum purchase limits for cryptocurrencies on the exchange you have chosen to connect to.

The minimum investment amount in the JJO35 Index may vary on different exchanges. For example:

  • BingX — the minimum investment amount is approximately $120.
  • Kucoin — the minimum investment amount is approximately $470.
  • Crypto.com — the minimum investment amount is approximately $210.

If you have configured and created your own index or portfolio, the minimum investment amount can be less than $50, depending on the number of coins you have chosen.

The minimum deposit amount for your index or portfolio is equal to the minimum investment amount.
